How does too much garbage and trash effect our health?
In the years 1347-1351 the bubonic plague, also called the “black death,” spread through Europe, Asia and Africa killing 75 million people. What they didn’t know at the time was that it was all caused by too much garbage in the streets! Piles of garbage attracted rats, which had fleas, which carried the disease. The rats carried it from place to place. The lack of sanitation made the spread of the epidemic the worst in human history. At the end, half the population in the places struck, were dead -- all because of too much trash!
In the years 1347-1351 the bubonic plague, also called the “black death,” spread through Europe, Asia and Africa killing 75 million people. What they didn’t know at the time was that it was all caused by too much garbage in the streets! Piles of garbage attracted rats, which had fleas, which carried the disease. The rats carried it from place to place. The lack of sanitation made the spread of the epidemic the worst in human history. At the end, half the population in the places struck, were dead -- all because of too much trash!
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